Post by jennyk on Sept 19, 2012 6:28:01 GMT -5
I keep getting this error. I have tracked it down to the following lines of code (line 2133 in VCLUnZip), last exception is raised:
if (not recOK) then { False = couldn't find the end central directory } begin if not Fixing then begin if (Assigned(FOnIncompleteZip)) then FOnIncompleteZip(Self, FIncompleteZipMode); if (FIncompleteZipMode = izAssumeNotAZip) then raise ENotAZipFile.Create(LoadStr(IDS_INVALIDZIP)); if (FIncompleteZipMode = izAssumeMulti) then begin { Just return and let them try again with the right disk } raise EIncompleteZip.Create(LoadStr(IDS_INCOMPLETEZIP)); end;
The recOK is set false by ReadFromStream function call on line 2106, function is in in kpzipObj unit. The peoc: end_of_centralPtr variable is not being set correctly
I have no clue why and don't know where to go from here. Any ideas would be appreciated